Prestigious American Art Invitational Awards Presented at Saks Galleries Denver Colorado

  American Art Invitational Logo
hosted by 
Saks Galleries Cherry Creek
Oldest Fine Art Gallery in Colorado

Prestigious American Art Invitational 
Awards Presented

Saks Galleries Best of Show - All Works Presented
Olga and Aleksey Ivanov
Best of Show Saks Galleries Award O and A Ivanov American Art Invitational 2014

Children's Hospital Purchase Award
Marina Dieul

Children's Hospital Purchase Award Marina Dieul American Art Invitational 2014
2014 Collector's Choice Award
All Works Presented
Rett Ashby
Collector's Choice Award 2014 Rett Ashby American Art Invitational

SouthwestArt Magazine 2014 Award
All Works Presented
Dinah Worman
SouthwestArtMagazine Award Dinah Worman American Art Invitational

< To purchase paintings by these award-winning artists
please view more at >
American Art Invitational

Saks Galleries Cherry Creek
3019 East 2nd Avenue
Denver, Colorado 80206
Exhibition now through May 31, 2014

co-sponsored by
Southwest Art Magazine Logo Co-Sponsors

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